UI/UX Design

Appealing user interface for higher business engagement and remarkable digital experiences. Harness Masterly Solutions capability to create attractive and intuitive designs using cutting-edge tools and technologies with substantial creative designing experience.

Explore innovative digital experience by offering a blend of technology, creativity and personalization in UI and UX development services. We design captivating user experience with a significant impact on customers satisfaction rate, brand value and conversions. Our knack of knowledge and experience in UX research and designing with the best-fit tools, technologies and services has paved their success graphs in manifold. Our team of skilled creative designers understand designing concepts and deliver impressive UI and UX designs for strategic business growth.

UI & UX Development Services

We ideate, strategize and imply the digital designing concepts for web and mobile application. With a strong market experience, our approach uniquely blends the right technologies, functionally active and impressive designs with content to establish prominent brand names for business.


Conceptualization of page structure is initiated with Prototyping wherein we optimize the page layout, illustrating structural arrangement and alignments meticulously designed for the user to have an intuitive and responsive digital experience.

Information Architecture design

Organise, structure and label the content according to the theme of the business on web or on mobile apps. After deep analysis of customer's needs, resolve issues of system structure, content management and navigation and recommend best fit as per the business goals.

Our Process

Our unique expertise in UI and UX development can assist businesses to tap the extreme potential of designing with our skilled and experienced design professionals. We follow a process to dive deep into each project details, take a comprehensive understanding and provide exclusive designing solutions.


We perform all types of research for designs from qualitative & descriptive research, comparative research, experimental research for making the designs look worthy. Based on the essential information we accurately design ensuring minimum risks and higher satisfaction.

Delivering the Right

We excel in delivering the best-suited solution as per the custom needs, be it small start-ups in their ideation phase or mid-size businesses focusing on growth or large enterprises actively optimizing processes across varied industries.

  • Credit Card Processor
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Travel
  • Sports
  • HRMS
  • Fintech

Technology Stack

Language & Technologies

Bootstrap, HTML 5, Sass, Jquery CSS 3, Less

Wireframe & Prototype

Figma, InVision, Adobe XD, Balsamiq, Pencil

Visual Design

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketch, Figma, XD

Design Assets

Zeplin, InVision, Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch

Communication Tools

JIRA, Skype, Slack, Google Chat